Kims Steelers Wren TrailerA Neighbor and friend Kim exchanged wanted a birdhouse of her favorite sports team and being a good friend as I am, I created this! My fourth trailer ! I am learning !!! 21743255_528367894184035_7266439744030870236_n21616496_528367900850701_3458439327655093384_n21557792_528367927517365_3411433579415088845_n21765082_528367827517375_2531993820441027109_n
A Neighbor and friend Kim exchanged wanted a birdhouse of her favorite sports team and being a good friend as I am, I created this! My fourth trailer ! I am learning !!! 21743255_528367894184035_7266439744030870236_n21616496_528367900850701_3458439327655093384_n21557792_528367927517365_3411433579415088845_n21765082_528367827517375_2531993820441027109_n